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Reflections: Our Week Gone By

09/06/2024 01:06:32 PM


“Ma Navu Al HeHarim/ Raglei Hamevaser

Mashmiyah Yeshuah/   Mashmiyah Shalom.

How welcome on the mountain are the footsteps of the herald

Announcing happiness, proclaiming peace.”            

                                                                                                --- Isaiah 52: 7

See This Day

08/30/2024 12:12:14 PM


There was once a young Hasid who devoted his life to studying the religious texts of our people.  One night, without any apparent reason, this pious young man closed his Talmud and ran out of his house into the middle of the town square, crying out, “What is the meaning of life?  I cannot go any further, I cannot study one additional verse of Torah without knowing the meaning of life!” 


Simon and Garfunkel, Hydrangeas, and Other Things

08/22/2024 03:17:27 PM


There is a beautiful Simon & Garfunkel song I always think of at this time of year.  “April, Come She Will” in just a few lines, conveys the beauty of spring spinning into summer, summer slowing into fall.  “August, die she must/ The autumn winds blow chilly and cold.”  We may not be bundled up quite yet, but following some genuinely scary storms, cool breezes are replacing cloying humidity, kids are getting...Read more...

Condemned to Repeat It?

08/15/2024 10:11:50 AM


One of my favorite scenes from the Amazon Prime show The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel revolves around the holiday of Tisha B’Av, which fell this past week from Monday to Tuesday evenings. Midge’s family is gathered at a resort in the Catskills, oblivious to the occasion, but her sister-in-law, a delightfully sincere yet comical recent convert, is determined to observe the day to the letter, fasting from sundown to...Read more...

Shabbat Chazon

08/09/2024 09:53:51 AM


Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all

These immortal words are from the poetry of Emily Dickinson.  The homage she pays to hope here is one of beauty and importance.  Think about how many times, even in a single day or week, you have articulated a hope of some kind.  Whether...Read more...

Pressing the Pause Button

08/01/2024 05:01:36 PM


For the past few days, I have been in the Catskills, hiking, swimming, visiting historic sites... As I look out the window of the storied resort where I am staying, there is green as far as the eye can see: warmer, brighter tones in the foreground and cooler, more minty ones from the mountains in the distance. Families are playing tennis, that friendly elderly couple will probably be sitting on the front porch...Read more...

Drawn to the Fire

07/25/2024 08:22:54 AM


In the 1920’s, the author Don Marquis created a wonderful series of comics and poetry.  One poem, “the lesson of the moth,” features archy, his favorite character, observing a moth who as archy describes him, is “trying to break into a lightbulb and fry himself on the wires.”

“why do you fellows
pull this stunt i asked him
because it is the...

Pin the...Tale on the Donkey?

07/18/2024 04:59:13 PM


Most of us remember playing that childhood party game.  A poster of a donkey without a tail, which would pass from one player’s hand to the next.  When it was your turn, you would be spun around and then guided toward the donkey.  Anywhere from slightly to severely dizzy, you would do your best to fasten the tale onto that donkey’s back end!  Just as likely though, said tail would end up on...Read more...

Something's Lost and Something's Gained...

07/09/2024 04:45:37 PM


It’s summertime, so I’ve got Joni Mitchell on my mind. Not only because she penned and performed some of my favorite summer anthems (“The Hissing of Summer Lawns,” “Chelsea Morning,” and “Woodstock,” anyone?), but also because her music contains a wealth of seemingly lighthearted lyrics that carry a profound resonance that I don’t often have time to relish during the chaos of the school year. This...Read more...


07/03/2024 05:20:06 PM


While the word “insurrection” may trigger fresh emotions for Americans in the wake of January 6, 2021, power struggles are nothing new to human history. One look at today’s headlines reaffirms that this tradition is alive and well: tens of thousands of anti-government protesters in Tel Aviv, snap elections in France, gang warfare in Haiti, murdered protesters of a tax hike in Kenya. In the same...Read more...

Fri, September 13 2024 10 Elul 5784