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A New Year's Blessing

09/15/2023 07:41:24 AM


"Opening the Heart"

By Marcia Falk


At the year's turn

in the days between

We step away from what we know

Wall and window

Roof and road

Into the spaces

We cannot yet name

Cloud and sky

Cloud and wings

Slowly the edges

Begin to yield

The hard places soften

Wind and clover

Road and river

The gate to forgiveness opens.


Wishing you a Shana Tovah, and looking forward to being together for the turning of the new year.

May we discover new paths of closeness to our synagogue family.

May the year 5784 be one of promise and hope, of joy and peace.


L'Shana Tovah and Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Rebecca Gutterman

Sun, May 19 2024 11 Iyyar 5784