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On Histories and Legacies

08/04/2023 02:33:52 PM


A number of years ago, Carnegie Mellon University computer science professor Randy Pausch was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. As he fought bravely for his health in the months that followed, he also delivered a stirring talk known as “The Last Lecture.” Pausch reflected on overcoming obstacles, living fully in the moment, being aware of and passing on our most important values. It spread beyond the walls of the university with...Read more...


07/28/2023 09:51:50 AM


Perhaps the hardest lesson for any child to learn is that parental decisions are sometimes final, whether or not one agrees with their parent’s logic. With infuriating consistency, no means no, no matter how much a child may plead, pucker out a lower lip, or employ the most adorable, irresistible pair of puppy dog eyes. Asking again five minutes later is unlikely to result in a different answer. Pushing back and arguing might even get one...Read more...

Growth and Bounty

07/21/2023 08:55:47 AM


This past Monday evening, I brought my son Jonah to Temple so we could help out in the Mitzvah Garden together.  Our volunteers took him right in hand as we tied, weeded and sorted.  The greenery was lovely, and so was the knowledge that we were not only participating in the mitzvah of feeding those who are poor or disenfranchised, but also doing our part to create peace and beauty in our corner of the...Read more...

Love is Love

06/19/2023 01:03:06 PM


“We’ve had no pride event,” she said. And she was right. And she was not. For there was challah on the table, Swirling chocolate and orange, And paper plates displaying rainbows Declaring loudly LOVE IS LOVE. Leah’s thoughtful tableware, Her plants spread round the room, Her touch upon the bima, Her fresh take on every tune, Her long and loving sermon And tears upon our cheeks: LOVE IS LOVE.   She said cultivate the garden; She said bring your divine gifts; She said everyone is different, And we love each difference. Take time to bring the water; Take time to let in sun: LOVE IS LOVE.   Like our ancestral matriarch, She brought forth life and made her mark. She took tRead more...

Every End is a Beginning, Except if Your Korach

06/16/2023 09:56:59 AM


This week’s Torah portion, at least in Israel, is Numbers 16:1-18:42, named for the leader of a group who seemed to come to usurp the role of Aaron and his sons. Korach (backed up by Dotan, Abiram and some 250 leaders) call Moses and Aaron to task in verse 3 of chap. 16 and declare “…the entire community are holy people, and the Eternal is within them, why, therefore do you aggrandize yourselves [as if putting...Read more...

When Do We Stop Learning?

06/09/2023 10:53:11 AM


Let me ask you to consider for a moment what the last new thing was that you learned? Was it a song that someone introduced you to because they liked it, or a new piece of information that connected to something you already knew? Was it another aspect of technology that you weren’t aware of, that may or may not make your life easier? Did you learn the name of a native flower you admired or a local songbird you...Read more...

Learning to Compromise, Book of Numbers Style

06/01/2023 12:23:29 PM


This week’s Torah Portion “B’ha’alotcha” (Numbers 8 -12) is all over the place, and includes the actual preparations for moving the entire Israelite encampment, something that will happen over and over again for the next many years. But the Israelites don’t know that yet, and they’re impatient, and hungry and they complain. So they get what they asked for, sort of, and then it’s another topic and...Read more...

Time For a Little Detox?

05/25/2023 04:17:22 PM


Few of us these days spend much time thinking about our own personal purity. And with good reason! If two people in a conversation can easily hold three opinions, imagine how many different concepts of personal purity can be entertained on a planet of 8 billion people! Group these people into religious and philosophical schools of thought, and it won’t be very long before their ideas on the subject go...Read more...

Has It Been 10 Months Already?

05/18/2023 01:30:06 PM


Almost… which means that June is my last month here, and I will be taking time in Israel before I begin my next adventure in South Windsor. I will take this opportunity to ask all those who so generously lent me furniture and household items to please get in contact with me so that I can make arrangements to return these items to you. If you no longer want your item back, I will be happy to donate it, either...Read more...

What Do We Lose When We Let the Land Rest?

05/12/2023 09:34:39 AM


This week marks my mother Roslyn H. Benamy’s 21st yahrtzeit so my thoughts are very much around how she might have reacted to current events, as well as the weekly Torah portion. We are still at Sinai, as the first words of this last portion of Leviticus reminds us: “God spoke to Moses at Mount Sinai saying:” (Lev. 1:1) and we are being told (again) to keep the Sabbath. Here, in chapters 25 and 26 at the end...Read more...

Sun, May 19 2024 11 Iyyar 5784